Retire to Dover
Retire to Dover, Delaware. One of the components which may influence your decision is whether or not the state you are considering offers a minimum or no income tax retirement.
Add Dover, Delaware to your list as this city not only has the lowest property tax in the United States, but is one of the cheapest places to retire.
In fact you may also be happy to hear that because there is no sales tax, Dover affords you tax free social security benefits including free income tax up to a maximum of $12,500. This savings can be of enormous help in finding affordable housing with payments under $500.00 for homes valued at under $150,000. This is good news considering home sales in Dover are geared toward retirees. Retire to Dover is a consideration.
Since Dover is located between Washington and New York, this ideal place to retire boasts a quality of living second to none. With its vibrant downtown area and historical district, you can live in one of many long established and friendly neighborhoods who will welcome you with open arms. Moreover, you are a hop, skip, and a jump away from both the political and entertainment capitals of the world.
Along with its natural beauty, you can participate in the arts and entertainment sections of Dover including Dover Downs and the Schwartz Center for the Arts. Although Dover has been chosen as one of the best smaller cities in which the cost of living is affordable, it has also been touted one of the best places in which quality of living for retirees is the most notable in the nation.
Not only is Dover one of the most cheapest and ideal places to retire, its warmth and friendly community is inviting, clean, and safe for those of you who are considering a move to this historically rich and culturally diverse community. If you are researching the best places, add retire to Dover to your list of contenders.
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